Sunday, August 11, 2019

We're all going on a summer holiday......

But before we go quick update.  Insulation is all go, go, go... after he finished up the guest bedroom he started on the roof, first of all our bedroom...

Once all the insulation is in you then cover it in plastic wrap...

Onto the storage area.....

It's all quite repetitive.  But the downstairs guest bedroom is all finished bar the paint and finishing up etc.. but it is ready for our summer guests...

Of course it can't be all work and no play during the summer months, so some fishing days have been enjoyed...

And the freezer has been getting stocked...

To go with all the yumminess coming out of the garden...

So we are outta here for the next few weeks, we'll be back after our summer hollibobs! Go enjoy the summer and everything that comes with it....