Sunday, February 24, 2019

There's a urinal in ma house, wha' am'I gonna do!

This week's run down....

Fitting a pocket (sliding) door to the upstairs bathroom, a slider gives us more room in our bathroom and bedroom, space is a premium with windows on the outside wall.  Framed...

Slider door mechanism....

Split studs to create a pocket for the door to slide into....

More lighting placements have been completed, soon be ready to start pulling cables...

And finally - why is there a urinal in my house Mr. M?  Ok, so it isn't a urinal, it's a metal box for the flexi hose on the dryer to sit in, and be attached to the duct venting to the outside...

It's all going on over here!

Sunday, February 17, 2019

Plotting, Scheming and Planning....

This week Mr. M's been mostly plotting, scheming and planning!  Five months on the shingles and he's forgotten what it's like to have to plan ahead and have supplies.  Lots of planning…..
One out of town shopping trip, and he has supplies.....

Back to work Mr. M!

I've also been busy plotting, scheming and planning, I'm working on my "vision" boards OR as I prefer to call them my "things that make my heart happy" boards....

Apart from that we've been deluged with rain this week, 8.5 inches to be precise!

And then there was this, Holy Hail Batman.....

Sunday, February 10, 2019

I've said it before.....

....and I'll say it again, in my next life I'ma gonna marry me!!!!

No house progress this week, 'cos Mr. M has the BEST wife.  Snowmobiling fun over at Crescent Lake in Central Oregon! Thanks Butch, I nominate you to help get the house done in the summer :) :)

I did get to enjoy some snow too, it isn't all work and no play in my life donchaknow....

Sunday, February 3, 2019

Finishing touches....

It becomes apparent how many finishing touches there are in life - none more so than when building a house.  Mr. M spent this week finishing off the front porch.

Fancy templates...

Then you bend the copper...

And you have finished copper caps for the end of the porch purlings, to protect them from rain...

Then more templates for the router....

Routing out the cedar posts and putting in the bracing struts, ya'know, for when The BIG one strikes...

And then he was back to making boxes for the ducting, one box only, and apparently it was a design that also needed a template...

Then lots of metal cutting....

Put all your shapes together, and voila, looks just like it said on the tin...

And FINALLY I'm getting a start on my interior vision boards.....

And also planning for my Spring garden, it really is just around the corner!