Sunday, January 29, 2017

Odd job Jim!!

Sorry it's been so quiet from the Blog! but really we haven't had that much going on!

The exciting news is that we have submitted the house plans to the planning department, and so now we wait for the permit to come through! we have no idea how long it will be I guess it depends on how many other applications they have received.

In the meantime Mr M has been meeting with contractors to discuss the footings and getting some quotes, once we decide who we are using it will just be a case of waiting for the permit and then it will be all systems go.

So what have we been doing, well I have been working of course and Mr M has been doing more work on his plans, he has laid out all his sewer and plumbing lines within in the model so he knows exactly where each pipe will be fitted and knows in advance that there won't be any studs or obstacles in his way - he is an Engineer after all, he hates surprises!

We have had some dry days so he has also been outside cracking on with some odd jobs.  Firstly he made a "lean to" at the back of the barn, this is now storing all of our cedar, off cuts of spare wood, ladder and many other things.  He has fitted gutters and everything is now tidy like! lufferly!

Mr M spent an afternoon in the garage working hard and making me some birdhouses..

We then put them up in various spots around the garden and now the waiting begins - will they be deemed suitable!

He also made a gate and fenced in my compost pile, we like it tidy over here...

The work was overseen by the FU...

These 2 are always plotting something....

We (ok Mr M) has been busy raking up all the dead limbs and then he has been having lots and lots of bonfires, I of course like to assist with the burning!

The woods are now looking so much clearer and are much nicer to walk through...

Do you like Mr M's new firepit?...

We have been enjoying some surprisingly lovely weather and its official Spring is on its way - ok it might be a while but it is coming.....


Sunday, January 1, 2017

"He who breaks a resolution is a weakling, he who makes one is a fool"... F.M Knowles

Here we go.... the world keeps on turning and another year is upon us!

The last couple of weeks have been mostly spent sat at the computer, for me and for him.... Our house plans are finally complete and this week Mr M will be submitting them to planning!

So the winning candidate was *drumroll* Candidate No. 2......

Mr M had to redesign the roof, the porch, some of the footings and the walls... so he cracked out the catia and did some creating...

He can even create exploding models......

All the plans are ready to submit....

He's quite clever really, Mr M.

The he popped out one afternoon and came back telling me he had finished the build....

The front.....

From the back (note the new fire pit)....

And from the side (next to the road)....

Didn't he do well... My wish for 2017 is that the build does go this quick and easy... Good Luck Mr M - No Pressure - Crack On!

It's just like Grand Designs round here!!!